Ninja Drummist - Official web site of session drummer and teacher Lewis Partridge. Free Drum Lessons, Drum Rudiments and Other Educational Resources.

The official web site of session drummer and teacher Lewis Partridge.

Friday 5th June 2009

George L. Stone: Accents and Rebounds - For the Snare Drummer

George L. Stone: Accents and Rebounds - For the Snare Drummer

  • Page 6 - 8: Working through the book for the 2nd time.

Thursday 4th June 2009

ScoJo's Lick of the Week

  • Flam-Me-Up-Scotty - (Must play without stopping)
  • Flam Drags...sss - (Practice bars 3 - 6 and 11 - 13)
  • Hero Lick - (120 - 125 BPM. Target: 132 BPM)

George L. Stone: Accents and Rebounds - For the Snare Drummer

George L. Stone: Accents and Rebounds - For the Snare Drummer

  • Page 4 - 5: Working through the book for the 2nd time.

Wednesday 27th May 2009

Gary Chester: The New Breed

Gary Chester: The New Breed

(Custom System 2)

  • In order to gain further independence in my left hand with the Songo bass pattern, I wrote another custom system for the new breed book to be played with the melodies on pages 14 - 23. Played melodies Ia to Vb. Download free PDF Sheet Music for my 2nd custom Songo system. (Note: PDF Sheet Music assumes you have a copy of New Breed).

Joe Morello: Master Studies

Joe Morello: Master Studies

  • Page 67: Exercise #18 - 19 (Repeat the exercise 25 times with both right and left hand lead). 110 BPM

Saturday 23rd May 2009

Gary Chester: The New Breed

Gary Chester: The New Breed

(Custom System)

  • In order to gain further independence in my left hand with the Songo bass pattern, I wrote my own custom system for the new breed book to be played with the melodies on pages 14 - 23. Played melodies IIa to Vb. Download free PDF Sheet Music for my custom Songo system. (Note: PDF Sheet Music assumes you have a copy of New Breed).

Joel Rothman: Easy Drum Solos For Jazz Coordination

Joel Rothman: Easy Drum Solos For Jazz Coordination

  • Page 9 - 22: (Working on my Traditional grip playing). 180 BPM

Wednesday 20th May 2009

Joel Rothman: Easy Drum Solos For Jazz Coordination

Joel Rothman: Easy Drum Solos For Jazz Coordination

  • Page 1 - 8: (Working on my Traditional grip playing). 240 BPM

Gary Chester: The New Breed

Gary Chester: The New Breed

(Custom System)

  • In order to gain further independence in my left hand with the Songo bass pattern, I wrote my own custom system for the new breed book to be played with the melodies on pages 14 - 23. Played melodies Ia to Ib Download free PDF Sheet Music for my custom Songo system. (Note: PDF Sheet Music assumes you have a copy of New Breed).

Wednesday 15th April 2009

Joe Morello: Master Studies

Joe Morello: Master Studies

  • Page 67: Exercise #16 - 17 (Repeat the exercise 25 times with both right and left hand lead). 100 BPM
  • Page 20 - 24: Buzz Roll Studies (Practice accent patterns more next time).
  • Page 55: Stone Killer, Section 1 (Repeat the exercise 50 times. Played 25 Matched grip and 25 Traditional Grip).

Gary Chaffee: Technique Patterns

Gary Chaffee: Technique Patterns

  • Page 6: Exercise 1 - 2 (Repeat each exercise four times with both right and left hands). 80 BPM

Wednesday 28th January 2009

Gary Chaffee: Technique Patterns

Gary Chaffee: Technique Patterns

  • Page 34 - 37: Hand-Foot Combinations (Repeat each exercise four times). 100 - 200 BPM (Gradually increasing the tempo)
  • Page 6 - 9: (Repeat each exercise four times with both right and left hands). 80 BPM
  • Page 11 - 12: (Repeat each exercise four times [R x 2, L x 2]. Exercises played in ascending and descending order). 70 BPM
  • Page 15: (Next time, work on septuplets and repeat each line four times). 70 BPM

ScoJo's Lick of the Week

  • Hero Lick: 100 - 115 BPM (Gradually increasing the tempo. Target: 132 BPM)

Joe Morello: Master Studies

Joe Morello: Master Studies

  • Page 67: Exercise #15 (Repeat the exercise 25 times with both right and left hand lead). 100 BPM


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Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever.