Ninja Drummist - Official web site of session drummer and teacher Lewis Partridge. Free Drum Lessons, Drum Rudiments and Other Educational Resources.

The official web site of session drummer and teacher Lewis Partridge.

Video Lesson: Push - Pull Technique Tutorial / Lesson Part 2 [LQ]

Wed 24th June, 2009

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Please watch Part 1, if you have not already. Sadly, YouTube have a 10 minute limit on video uploads so I had to cut it into two parts.

This video is a response to some of the questions I have received via email recently re one handed rolls. I wanted to show a comparison on 3 ways of achieving a one handed roll type sound.

Finger Control is great for speed and is easy to do but you may feel some muscle burn if you do it for long periods of time. Check out my two part Finger Control Lesson for more info.

Freehand Technique is definitely the fastest (for me anyway) but is limited to drums / cymbals with a fixed edge. Check out my Freehand Technique Lesson for more info.

Push - Pull is more efficient than Finger Control and can be used for longer periods of time without feeling any strain. Though not as fast as Freehand, it is more versatile as it can be done on any surface.

I'm aware that I have not mentioned Moeller Technique or Three Bombs etc, they will have to wait for my next video :).

If you have any more questions, please contact me and hopefully I can help.

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Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
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For thine is the kingdom,
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for ever.